What are affiliate programs?

Simply put, affiliate (aff) programs, also called partner programs, are arrangements in which an online merchant pays affiliate Web sites a commission to send them traffic. These affiliate websites post links to the merchant site and are paid according to a particular agreement, usually when an order is made.

What companies provide affiliate programs?

All large retailers including Amazon, Walmart, Target, Home Depot provide aff programs. But their commissions are based on transactions. AffTable features the programs constructed by tech & SaaS (Software-as-a-service) companies. These programs pay monthly recurring commissions to affiliates.

Compared to traditional programs, SaaS programs can provide a long lasting revenue but there is a trade-off. Due to the nature of SaaS services, it usually takes more time from lead generation to a qualified order.

Who can be affiliate marketers?

Bloggers, influencers, podcasters, Youtubers, Facebook group owners, subreddit owners, small communities, you name it! If your website has reasonable traffic and you want to monetize it, affiliate links can be a natural way for visitors instead of showing ugly banners.

Do I need to pay in order to join aff programs?

No, most programs don’t require you to pay an entry fee upfront. But you’ll need an existing website for review. While you don’t pay to join a program, be prepared you’ll need to invest time and money to set up your site.

How much money can I make?

Most people make between a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars a month. But there is usually no upper limit set by the companies.

How to promote these programs?

Be creative! There are unlimited ways to promote the products, e.g. free tutorials, newsletters, ebooks. The key is to create valuable content so visitors will be engaged with you for a long time. The steps in summary:

  1. Find a niche, small enough to dominate, big enough to monetize

  2. Create valuable content, whether it's podcast, blog, YouTube tutorials, Facebook groups, you name it

  3. Setup email form to prep for newsletters

  4. Launch and outreach

  5. Continue from 2 again till the audience size increase to a thousand

  6. Add aff links in newsletter and content

What is cookie duration?

How long the tracking is effective after a user clicks your affiliate link.

Still have questions?

Feel free to ping me via afftable@sillycube.com. I’ll answer asap